In case you missed it, this weekend was huge on the media front. Yes yes, there was some big football game to interrupt the slew of weirdly creepy commercials. But more importantly the internet was rocked on Saturday by none other than the queen of basically all things amazing: Beyoncé. Now I’m not the biggest Beyoncé fan. And before you whip out those pitch forks, let me explain. I think Beyoncé is amazing. She is stunning, beyond talented, a great face for women empowerment, and I absolutely love that she keeps her personal life (for the most part) out of the media. I am basically the kind of fan that if someone were to buy me tickets to go watch her perform I would definitely drop whatever other plans I had and go. However, I am in no means die hard (I honestly don’t even follow her on Instagram). I am definitely a fan though.
With that said, I’m kind of beyond a fan of her media team. I mean the fact that she was able to keep her new video (which is INCREDIBLE by the way and if you haven’t watched, you need to) under wraps and release it the day before she performed the new song at the super bowl was brilliant. It put her on the tongues and media pages of people across the US right before the biggest American game of the year. This pretty much guaranteed her the opportunity to steal the show. So as a person who essentially only watches the super bowl for the food and the halftime show, for me it was all about Beyoncé. Well Beyoncé and nachos.

All images are sourced from @ssarahfinkss on Pinterest. Follow along for even more inspiration