Happy Monday to all my favs!
I hope you all had an amazing weekend and are feeling nice & refreshed this Monday morning. In case not, I am totally here for you with your a Monday dose of randomness. Me on the other hand, I am actually feeling pretty refreshed. It was such nice weather here, allowing for plenty of adventures around town. One adventure that I've been waiting to do all summer- heading to Brooklyn for Brooklyn flea- was FINALLY accomplished yesterday. And let me tell you, It was awesome!
I typically spend my Sundays sleeping in, brunching, or just cleaning my apartment, but yesterday I convinced the boyfriend that adventuring to Brooklyn needed to be done and he was all for it. We didn't get much, just the two arrows above (which he then drew on, he's kind of amazing), but the whole experience was so fun. Great food, amazing furniture, and killer backdrop view of the city. All & all it was awesome and we will definitely be going back.

all of the above images are from various sources. get all the links & more @ssarahfinkss on pinterest